What motivates you in life? How do you see the world compared to others? This cozy "living room style" workshop is all about helping you feel heard, seen, appreciated and most of all empowered by your intrinsic motivations. We will uncover stubborn blind spots that can help you break through cognitive blocks and strengthen your relationship with others. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself, why you are the way you are, and what it looks like to fulfill your unique motivations and potential.
The Enneagram is a powerful tool that combines traditional wisdom with modern psychology that maps a person's unique path to spiritual growth. It has been used for centuries as a map of human consciousness and archetypes, and unlike other personality tests, describes the strengths and potentials of each person, as well as areas for growth. It also helps you better understand the motivations and personality styles of the people around you, helping you better navigate differences and resolve conflicts.
Your ticket includes your personal access to The Integrative Enneagram Assessment, the most accurate enneagram test available, which comes with a robust 23-page report and coaching guide (a retail value of $60). We will come to the workshop each having taken the test and will be guided to better understand each of our types as well as how it maps each of our models for personal growth. Expect it to be interactive, interesting, and fun.
Snacks and coffee/tea are provided.